Broadsword skill is used to wield a cane as a weapon; see p. 120. To power up this template, take Magery 3 and buy up Create Gate, Create Object, and Transform Object to 15 or better. In addition, invest in an Energy Pool usable for casting spells, typically with a suitable focus such as a ring or amulet.
Broadsword skill is used to wield a cane as a weapon; see p. 120. To power up this template, take Magery 3 and buy up Create Gate, Create Object, and Transform Object to 15 or better. In addition, invest in an Energy Pool usable for casting spells, typically with a suitable focus such as a ring or amulet.
casting spells, typically with a suitable focus such as a ring or amulet.
casting spells, typically with a suitable focus such as a ring or amulet.