Kobolds are small, blue, and belligerent. A single kobold is no great menace, but they often travel in gangs of 12 to 20. Most are wanderers, journeying from one place to the next, doing simple jobs or stealing as the mood strikes them. They find activities not related directly to survival or procreation terribly boring, with one exception. Kobolds love jokes and pranks. They don’t understand subtlety, but a hotfoot or a bucket of slop in the face (of someone else) amuses them immensely. They are quick to take offense for real or imagined slights and equally quick to forget, if distracted. Even exceptional kobolds are never very strong or smart. IQ and ST rarely exceed 10. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a 150-point kobold. As characters, they work best in comedy campaigns. A few manifest high levels of various Talents, which gives them an occupation, if they can keep their attention focused.
Kobolds are small, blue, and belligerent. A single kobold is no great menace, but they often travel in gangs of 12 to 20. Most are wanderers, journeying from one place to the next, doing simple jobs or stealing as the mood strikes them. They find activities not related directly to survival or procreation terribly boring, with one exception. Kobolds love jokes and pranks. They don’t understand subtlety, but a hotfoot or a bucket of slop in the face (of someone else) amuses them immensely. They are quick to take offense for real or imagined slights and equally quick to forget, if distracted. Even exceptional kobolds are never very strong or smart. IQ and ST rarely exceed 10. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a 150-point kobold. As characters, they work best in comedy campaigns. A few manifest high levels of various Talents, which gives them an occupation, if they can keep their attention focused.
They find activities not related directly to survival or procreation terribly boring, with one exception. Kobolds love jokes and pranks. They don’t understand subtlety, but a hotfoot or a bucket of slop in the face (of someone else) amuses them immensely. They are quick to take offense for real or imagined slights and equally quick to forget, if distracted.
Even exceptional kobolds are never very strong or smart. IQ and ST rarely exceed 10. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a 150-point kobold. As characters, they work best in comedy campaigns. A few manifest high levels of various Talents, which gives them an occupation, if they can keep their attention focused.
They find activities not related directly to survival or procreation terribly boring, with one exception. Kobolds love jokes and pranks. They don’t understand subtlety, but a hotfoot or a bucket of slop in the face (of someone else) amuses them immensely. They are quick to take offense for real or imagined slights and equally quick to forget, if distracted.
Even exceptional kobolds are never very strong or smart. IQ and ST rarely exceed 10. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a 150-point kobold. As characters, they work best in comedy campaigns. A few manifest high levels of various Talents, which gives them an occupation, if they can keep their attention focused.