Make a self-control roll any time you are called on to spend money. If the expenditure is large, this roll may be at -5 or worse (GM’s decision). If you fail, you refuse to spend the money.
You are deathly afraid of infection, or just of dirt and filth. Make a self-control roll when you must do something that might get you dirty. Roll at -5 to eat any unaccustomed food. You should act as “finicky” as possible.
You are terrified by the idea of death. Make a self-control roll in the presence of any dead body (animals don’t count, but portions of human bodies do). Roll at -4 if the body is that of someone you know, or -6 if the body is unnaturally animated in some way. A ghost (or apparent ghost) also requires a roll at -6.
varies; Make a self-control roll whenever it would be wise to deviate from your goal. If you fail, you continue to pursue your Obsession, regardless of the consequences.
You must make a self-control roll any time the GM feels you show an unreasonable degree of caution. If you fail, you must go ahead as though you were able to handle the situation!