Make a self-control roll whenever you have more than the briefest contact with an appealing member of the sex you find attractive, at -5 if this person is Handsome/Beautiful, or at -10 if Very Handsome/Very Beautiful. If you fail, you must make a “pass” using whatever wiles and skills you can bring to bear.
Make a self-control roll any time you are called on to spend money. If the expenditure is large, this roll may be at -5 or worse (GM’s decision). If you fail, you refuse to spend the money.
You cannot use two-handed weapons, wield two weapons at once (or a weapon and a shield), or perform any task that requires two arms. You get -4 on tasks that are possible with one arm but that are usually executed with two.
-1 to DX in combat and on any task involving hand-eye coordination, and -3 on ranged attacks (unless you Aim first) and on rolls to operate any vehicle faster than a horse and buggy.