Make a self-control roll whenever you have more than the briefest contact with an appealing member of the sex you find attractive, at -5 if this person is Handsome/Beautiful, or at -10 if Very Handsome/Very Beautiful. If you fail, you must make a “pass” using whatever wiles and skills you can bring to bear.
Make a self-control roll whenever anyone lingers nearby, watches over your shoulder, etc. If you fail, you lash out at that person just as if you had Bad Temper.
Make a self-control roll at the end of any battle. If you fail, roll 3d, add the amount by which you failed your self-control roll, and look up the result on the Fright Check Table.
Make a self-control roll whenever you experience a clear social slight or “snub.” On a failure, you lash out at the offending party just as if you had Bad Temper.