Make a self-control roll whenever you have more than the briefest contact with an appealing member of the sex you find attractive, at -5 if this person is Handsome/Beautiful, or at -10 if Very Handsome/Very Beautiful. If you fail, you must make a “pass” using whatever wiles and skills you can bring to bear.
Fauns (males are more formally known as Satyrs) are humanoids with the legs and horns of a goat. They stand an average of 5 feet tall, and are solidly, but not heavily built (they stand 8” less than normal for their ST; weight is normal for their height). Their bodies become “goatish” just below the navel. Their lower parts have short tails and woolly fur, and their legs bend backwards and end in small cloven hooves. The hair on their heads is also thick and woolly. Their horns are small and curved, and their ears are pointed. The Fauns’ features are sharp and alert, and their complexions are swarthy. Males have a good deal of hair on their chests and backs, but their facial hair is usually limited to a thin moustache, small goatee, and sometimes thick sideburns.