500 points - Unlike the biomorph, who shares the powers of other species while remaining human in form, you actually take on the shapes of other species. You have few or no special powers in your human form. Notes: This is a “scientific” shapeshifter who copies the gene sequences of target forms and therefore has the ability to read them. Treat the natural weaponry of a new shape as a familiarity of Brawling (see p. B169). Nearly all of the point-cost reduction needed to create a lesspowerful metamorph can come from limiting available forms to 0 points – that is, forms no more powerful overall than the hero’s natural shape. The metamorph template doesn’t adapt well to higher power levels; it’s better to combine it with another that grants improved combat skills, such as Acrobat (see p. 41) or Nightstalker (see p. 49).
Notes: This is a “scientific” shapeshifter who copies the gene sequences of target forms and therefore has the ability to read them. Treat the natural weaponry of a new shape as a familiarity of Brawling (see p. B169). Nearly all of the point-cost reduction needed to create a lesspowerful metamorph can come from limiting available forms to 0 points – that is, forms no more powerful overall than the hero’s natural shape.
The metamorph template doesn’t adapt well to higher power levels; it’s better to combine it with another that grants improved combat skills, such as Acrobat (see p. 41) or Nightstalker (see p. 49).