Half-Elves are the offspring of Elves and humans. They are more muscular than Elves and the males are slightly hairier. Half-Elves can pass for human, but are usually easily distinguishable from Elves. When a Half-Elf breeds with a human or another Half-Elf, the offspring are human, though often quite graceful and attractive; when he breeds with an Elf the offspring are Half-Elven. Half-Elves are usually welcome among both races. Half-Elves are rare, and many of them – not feeling at home in either culture – turn to a life of wandering and adventure.
than Elves and the males are slightly hairier. Half-Elves can pass for human, but
are usually easily distinguishable from Elves. When a Half-Elf breeds with a
human or another Half-Elf, the offspring are human, though often quite graceful
and attractive; when he breeds with an Elf the offspring are Half-Elven. Half-Elves
are usually welcome among both races. Half-Elves are rare, and many of them –
not feeling at home in either culture – turn to a life of wandering and adventure.