The Exalted Horses are beautiful horses with the intelligence of human beings. They are medium-sized, about the size of a quarter horse or a little larg- er (their weight is 7 times the figure shown for their ST before the Enhanced ST advantage is figured in). Height is 15 to 17 hands (a hand is 4”) at the withers (just above the shoulders). Their coats come in a remarkable range of colors and patterns; brown and black predominate, but strawberry, dapple, chestnut, gray, and many variations are known.
beings. They are medium-sized, about the size of a quarter horse or a little larg-
er (their weight is 7 times the figure shown for their ST before the Enhanced ST
advantage is figured in). Height is 15 to 17 hands (a hand is 4”) at the withers
(just above the shoulders). Their coats come in a remarkable range of colors
and patterns; brown and black predominate, but strawberry, dapple, chestnut,
gray, and many variations are known.